Sunday, October 23, 2011

2300 blk Randolph St. NE

On the MPD 5D listserv this was reported:
This probably isn't the right group for this, but I'm not sure where else to check... 2300 blk Randolph St. NE (corner of 24th and Randolph) appears to be recently vacated/abandoned. In the last 2 weeks or so the building has fallen into disrepair nearly on a daily basis - there are numerous missing upstairs windows (and frames), the electric meter is disconnected and most recently chunks of siding have been pulled off. My concern is it's starting to look like a place where people could conceivably be squatting, not to mention being a potential fire trap waiting to go up. Is there anything that can be done?
Several responded from MPD and the Ward Councilman's office but the best advice was:

Reporting Vacant Property

Individuals can report vacant property directly to DCRA by calling (202) 442-4332 or by emailing