Thursday, September 23, 2010

509 O Street NW

Credit D. Smith
 This is from the Shaw neighborhood listserv. From the email sent the poster had brought this property to the attention to Mr. Majett at DCRA and has found the response from the city unsatisfying.
From my own walk bys of the property it has been an abandoned shell for a good long while. It has much possiblity but currently it is an eyesore and from the evidence a possible hangout for vagrants.
Also according to the email sent to the listserv:
Credit D. Smith
The on-line OTR property tax data base (difficult to find in the new DC government website design) continues to show both "units" as Class 1 Residential with no exemptions, rather than Class 3 Blighted. I am wondering if their status has actually been changed or not. And if not, why not. The most current list of blighted properties posted on-line (also difficult to find) is for the first half of 2010 and this property does not appear on it.