Thursday, November 10, 2011

509 O ST NW

CCCA pres. has a blog entry about a property that has been featured here. He is asking why is this property not considered blighted according to the tax office.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

2300 blk Randolph St. NE

On the MPD 5D listserv this was reported:
This probably isn't the right group for this, but I'm not sure where else to check... 2300 blk Randolph St. NE (corner of 24th and Randolph) appears to be recently vacated/abandoned. In the last 2 weeks or so the building has fallen into disrepair nearly on a daily basis - there are numerous missing upstairs windows (and frames), the electric meter is disconnected and most recently chunks of siding have been pulled off. My concern is it's starting to look like a place where people could conceivably be squatting, not to mention being a potential fire trap waiting to go up. Is there anything that can be done?
Several responded from MPD and the Ward Councilman's office but the best advice was:

Reporting Vacant Property

Individuals can report vacant property directly to DCRA by calling (202) 442-4332 or by emailing

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

City Post Vacant Properties

I've been amiss in posting. But there is a huge listing of Vacant Properties put out by DCRA that you can find here.
Someone has taken that list and mapped them out here.
But I'll just enbed the map.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

509 O Street NW classified as Class 4

According to a June 1st email that a citizen living on that block received a very blighted property was listed under the wrong tax code instead of the class of code at a higher and more punitative rate. Please see the following:
Mr. Smith

Thanks for taking my call today.

The subject property is actually classified as a blighted property. The problem that we've been having is that because it is designated as two "condo" lots (each with a "2000" lot number) the OTR property management system is designed to not change the classification and therefore it must be done manually. Fortunately this situation only applies to about 2 to 3 condo properties each year.

In recent months I have spoken with the assessment services division at OTR about a process to address this issue and together we are going to ensure that it does not happen again.

I apologize for the error.

The current tax liability on this property is as follows, and it reflects blight taxes for FY2011.

Lot 2001 - $13740.80 for FY2011

Lot 2002 - $18434.26 for FY2011

The property also has a combined $72,000+ in vacant and blighted taxes from FY2009 & FY2010.

Moving forward, within the next 48 hours our abatement department will visit the property and secure it where necessary. Also, the property owners are being brought back before the BCIB (condemnation board) on July 13th at 10:15am. Should you wish to attend the hearing, you may do so as they are open to the public. If you with to testify before the Board pertaining to the property itself, please submit as a request in writing.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call or email me direct.


Reuben Pemberton, III
Program Manager
Office of Vacant Property/BCIB

Monday, May 16, 2011

455 Q St NW

CCCA President MM has posted this as a problem house:
"The front yard is a mess, the front door ajar, people have broken into
the house through the 2nd floor. A unlocked and open door is an invitation for the many homeless vagrants, former offenders and sex offenders, thieves (and God knows who) -- that pass through our community every day as they take advantage of local services -- to squat, engage in crime, illicit drug use, stash weapons, hide and escape from MPD pursuit, and/or start fires. Properties like this only make things more difficult for others in the community who want to maintain and clean and safe neighborhood."

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mount Vernon Square Lisitings of Vacant Housing

This has been around since last month and it is reflective of citizens being active, collecting information and empowering themselves with tools that make the city accountable. This being the Mount Vernon Square Vacant Property Survey. You can see the actual survey here. Some listing have photographs and there is information about the owner and if there are any permits out for it.